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History of Heralds Blog


Participation in the Marked Place of the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Network CARMEN

On September 9th, the annual meeting of CARMEN, organised and hosted by the Historical Institute of the University of Duisburg-Essen, took place in Essen. CARMEN is a worldwide medieval network that aims to link research institutions, universities, groups and individuals ‘with a common scholarly interest in the study of the Middle Ages.’ Besides...


Report on the second ‘History of Heralds’ workshop (Münster, 25-27 March 2015)

Between 25-27 March, Münster was home to the second ‘History of Heralds’ workshop. This workshop was a continuation of last year’s session with the same main goal: producing a book that puts the herald in a new perspective in a collaborative effort. The longing for a new work on this subject stems from...


Vincent Belloy (Paris)

Etudiant en Master 2 à l’Université Paris IV – Sorbonne, j’ai consacré mon mon mémoire de première année aux “Formes et Fonctions des hérauts d’armes au Moyen Age. Image et Représentation des officiers d’armes médiévaux au travers des Chroniques de Jean Froissart”. Toujours sur la direction de Monsieur le Professeur Jean-Marie Moeglin, je...


List of Participants (Workshop 2)

Belloy, Vincent (Paris) Berrendero, José Antonio Guillén (Madrid) Blanchard, Jean-Christophe (Nancy) Brero, Thalia (Geneva) Cheesman, Clive (London) Clemmensen, Steen (Farum) Couhault, Pierre (Paris) Göbl, Michael (Vienna) Grosjean, Alexandre (Paris) Hiltmann, Torsten (Münster) Hofman, Elmar (Münster) Howard, Derek (Brussels) Klesmann, Bernd (Cologne) Meer, Marcus (Münster) Metelo de Seixas, Miguel (Lisbon) Portugal, João  (Lisbon) Ramsay,...


Programme: The History of Heralds in Europe (12th-18th c.): State of the Art and New Perspectives – Workshop.2 (Münster, 25-27 March 2015)

25 March 2015 2:30 – 3:00 pm Welcome and introduction Torsten Hiltmann (Münster) 3:00 – 4:30 pm   Wim van Anrooij (Leiden) Heralds, History and Heraldry: The Case of the Haarlem Panels of the Counts of Holland (1493)   Miguel Metelo de Seixas (Lisbon) Le rôle des hérauts à la cour du roi...


José Antonio Guillen Berrendero (Madrid)

Born in Madrid (1972), and after my Doctor europeus at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, I was I Marie Curie Fellow, Post-doc Fellow and Professor-Researcher at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. During the last fourteen years I studied of the idea of nobility in Europe from a social history perspective. In this field, I analysed...


Thalia Brero (Geneva)

Docteur en histoire médiévale de l’Université de Lausanne, Thalia Brero a consacré sa thèse aux cérémonies princières dans le duché de Savoie. Elle s’intéresse tout particulièrement au rôle joué par les hérauts dans l’organisation et le déroulement des rituels de cour, ainsi qu’à leurs écrits sur le cérémonial, qu’ils soient normatifs ou littéraires....


Wim van Anrooij (Leiden)

Wim van Anrooij (1957) is professor for Dutch Literature until Romanticism at the University of Leiden. He published Spiegel van ridderschap (1990), Helden van weleer (1997), Literarische Kleinformen im Spiegel mittelniederländischer Sammelhandschriften (2009) and De Mond der Waarheid (2011), and co-edited, among others, Early Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic...


“History of Heralds” Workshop Part II (25-27 March 2015, Münster)

The extent to which heralds contributed to the political and cultural life of the medieval and early modern periods has been underestimated, even neglected by historical scholarship so far. In 2014, the first part of the workshop series “History of Heralds” set out to change this, aiming to establish the foundation towards a...


João António Portugal (Lisbon)

João António Portugal, né en 1965 à Leiria, Portugal, au-delà de sa formation juridique (Université de Lisbonne), dont il fait profession, s’intéresse à l’histoire du phénomène héraldique. Il appartient à l’Institut Portugais d’Héraldique (Instituto Português de Heráldica – membre effectif), à l’Academie Lusitaine d’Héraldique (Academia Lusitana de Heráldica – fondateur), au Centre Lusiade...


Pierre Choque, héraut et roi d’armes d’Anne de Bretagne

Les hérauts d’armes s’affirment, à la fin du Moyen Âge, comme des figures incontournables des cours européennes. Ces officiers, en raison des multiples activités qu’ils déploient au service des rois et des princes, jouent en effet un rôle éminent : ils portent lettres et messages, organisent les tournois, réalisent des armoriaux, préparent les cérémonies...


Proceedings of the Workshop: ‘History of Heralds in Europe (12th-18th c.)’ – Münster, 26-28 March 2014

In spite of their prominent role in many aspects of political and cultural life, heralds have remained rather obscure historical figures. The two-part workshop ‘History of heralds’ aims to shed light on these elusive persons, their backgrounds, functions and meaning in medieval and early modern society. The first of this two-part workshop was...


Chapter 1: Introduction

The introduction of the book shall give a first initiation into the topic, demonstrating the variety of its history and its prolificacy. It shall provide a clear outline of the “wrong” ideas hitherto received on heralds (relationship to heraldry, organisation of ceremonies, etc.) and give a short account of the previous historiography that...


Chapter 2: The “Story” of Heralds: Development of the Office (from 12th to 18th c.)

Chapter two shall give a first synthesis of the development of this office from its start at the tournaments of the 12th century in northwest Europe, its later spread all over the continent, to its further development until the end of the ancient regime. Even if they took place quite differently, there is...


Chapter 3: Particularities of the Office and its History

In all diversity, there are also common points and continuities in the history of the office of arms. There are especially those particularities which define that office and contribute a great deal to its uniqueness. Those particularities are an absolute prerequisite to understand the functions and duties of the office of arms in...


Chapter 4: Functions, Missions, Responsibilities, Expertise

As chapter 3 has portrayed the conditions of the doings of the office, chapter 4 shall deal with their duties as such, with their different functions and every-day business, but also with their expertise and their responsibilities, if there are some. In doing so, the introductory text of this chapter will not only...


Chapter 6: Outlook and Impact

The last chapter will give a summary of what has been said in the volume and put it in context in order to open new perspectives for further research. It will look again at the definition of heralds, already discussed in the introductory chapter and adjust it to the findings of the volume....


Tools for Research

There are two main tools that may help in writing this book and doing further research together. The database “Heraudica” This database goes back to my time at the German Historical Institute in Paris, where I created this database for a project called “Les hérauts d’armes dans les sources bourguignons (1386-1519)”. In the...


Henri Simonneau (Paris)

Henri Simonneau est agrégé d’histoire est docteur en histoire médiévale. Il a soutenu en 2010 sa thèse intitulée « Grandeur et décadence d’une institution aulique. Les hérauts d’armes dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons (1467-1519) » menée à l’université de Lille 3 sous la direction de Bertrand Schnerb (mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury). Il...


Les officiers d’armes de René II: Des emblèmes vivants au service de la construction de l’État

[Cet article est paru dans :  Hélène Say, Hélène Schneider (Dir.), Le duc de Lorraine René II et la construction d’un État princier, Lotharingia, XVI, 2010, pp. 53-69.] Un colloque récent, tenu à Lille en septembre 2005, a permis de dresser un état des recherches sur les officiers d’armes européens[1]. Les connaissances sur...


Alexandre Grosjean (Dunkirk)

Formé à l’Université Paris X Nanterre et ayant travaillé sur le rapport entre diplomatie et historiographie à la fin du Moyen Age sous la direction du Professeur Franck Collard, Alexandre GROSJEAN achève actuellement une thèse de doctorat sur les Mémoires de Jean Lefèvre de Saint-Rémy, roi d’armes de l’ordre de la Toison d’or,...